I am officially a SportsMom.
I have a SweetPea in Basketball (just got out of Softball, formerly played soccer) and TallBoy plays Basketball when it rolls around.
I travel all over G-d's creation, putting unknown amounts of miles on my car, watching my kids play. I know ALL the names of my kids' teammates. I cheer (LOUDLY). I clap, cajole, complain and make interesting comments about refs. I eat hot dogs for dinner more often than I really like. I pay overinflated prices for water & Snickers.
I love every minute. Watching my kids smile, laugh, play hard, be good sports, work hard to be on a team, cheering on their friends and moving outside their comfort zone is immensely rewarding.
I've met other SportsParents and gotten to know a lot of them much better. I have learned a lot about sports I have no interest in, and gotten a very sore backside.
I have also gotten lost many many times. I am fairly inept at going anywhere I have not been before, and am TERRIBLE with directions. More than once I have downloaded the Navigation tool on my cell phone to find the little town we are supposed to play in next. More than once I have called another parent, completely and utterly lost. Of course they try to help- but the conversation usually goes like this:
Them: "Where are you?"
Me: "I don't know!"
Them: "What do you see around you?"
Me: "Corn. A Barn. Some more corn."
Them: [BIG SIGH] "Is there a crossroad anywhere near you?"
Me: "Yes, but it's turned around. Someone hit it. I can't tell what road I'm on."
And so on.
I have started following another mom to the games, and that has helped. I have gained some independence through sports (I am usually not allowed to go anywhere new alone. I usually end up lost, see above.). I now know where every Casey's within 30 miles of my home is, as well as any little eateries.
I know which towns have way too many girls (there are 2 towns with more than 20 girls on their basketball teams in our league) and the towns with not very many at all (1 town cancelled basketball this year due to not enough girls). I know which towns have good concessions and plan accordingly. I know which towns have nice bathrooms and which I want to stop at Casey's FIRST.
Our girls won their first game 15-12 today and I have bleacher butt. I am a SportsMom.
Check out this fashionable fellow.
4 weeks ago
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