Monday, September 8, 2008

"You give it a cold"

Independence Day is a silly, over the top adrenaline movie and I still love it to pieces.

Jeff Goldbloom takes down the evil alien empire with a COMPUTER VIRUS, bless his little heart.

My computer was recently infected by a less lethal (but still frustrating as heck) virus and I have been out of commission. I am currently using a backup computer and trying to get back to normal after no computer for a week.

I can live without it, but I have missed my daily fix of TwoPeas and blog wandering. I have also missed my web comics and other internet vices.

So I am sort of back but probably limited...

And my TallBoy has a plethora of females paying attention to him, the SweetPea has been kicking butt and taking names on the basketball court, I have been home less than I have been outside the house this past week and I really want to vent. Soon, I hope.

1 comment:

glitzen said...

Oooh, I hate computer problems. Ick. I have so addicted to my computer, I would have to go on oxygen to get through the withdrawls. GRIN.