No, not really. But it felt like it.
This past weekend was our town's small town "Krazy Daze" event (fall festival sort of thing). I knew that there were going to be all kinds of great activities (face painting, Karoake, dunk tank, cake walk, bike decorating etc) but I did NOT know they were having a car show in my front yard.
I looked out my window Saturday and there were a bajillion people in the empty lot ("my" front yard) across the street from my house. A million and one cool old cars, a tonna kids, and all the police for several miles. They were busily blocking off my little corner of the world with barricades and setting up events for the rest of the day.
I live on the back corner of a rectangular block which makes the main block in our little town. I am on the same block as the bank, grocery store, hair salon, hardware store, dollar store and consignment store for kids' clothes. There are 3 houses on my block- all on my back end. All the rest of the block is businesses. I was quickly getting blocked in (so I couldn't get OUT) so that other people could not park in the lot intended for events.
I ran outside and got my car moved so I could leave (which I had to do later anyway) and checked out the schedule for the events. I fished out some money for my kiddos to run about town with, and let them wander.
Things cleared up around 3-4 and I had my yard back, sort of. It was still hangout central for a herd of teenagers for a while.
Later in the day the town threw a parade. We live on the parade route and we make a habit of watching the parade from our front steps. My kids got tons of candy (even though they are a little old for parade candy) and then took about 5 HUGE handfuls over to a little girl who watched the parade from the other side of the street.
There was a street dance/music later and the TallBoy & Associates went out and had a nice time "hanging out" while being good.
Sunday morning, I took Cash on his EarlyAm(TM) walk and there were a good 20 bags of trash yet to be picked up. I had to be extra vigilant on the leash to make sure he didn't get any candy or gum. I also had to make sure he didn't eat leftover food or um, evidence of the beer tent.
I got a report from the owner of the grocery store (a SUPER nice guy) that the receipts from this past weekend were much better than expected due to nicer weather than the forecast predicted. He said there's a lot of money for some great future events and that the invasion while crazy, was worth it.
Check out this fashionable fellow.
4 weeks ago
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